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iPhone / Android / Windows mobile Applications Design. Professional service

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Description JobsRnR(jobsrnr.com)was founded on the simple belief that peer-to-peer referrals represent the strongest form of endorsement. Our goal is to connect employers with qualified and talented
商業 / 顧問Kobe Yung

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Business operations are very complicated today impelling specific application functions and features becoming more and more demanding. Nevertheless, ready-made software applications may not fulfill a

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喬布斯曾說:「每個人都該學程式設計,因為它教你如何思考。」電腦深深改變我們的生活,如果能學懂程式,必然能夠幫助我們了解身邊的事物。使用Android Studio以Android官方開發語言開發應用程式Mobile Apps, 自小培養穩健的程式設計基礎, 讓小朋友在正式學習寫程式前有最基本的電腦運算概念。 由學習電腦結構及程式概念開始,再學習使用不同編程工具實踐所學,讓小朋友一步步掌握全面的編程
N教學進修 / 補習Nelson Wong

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Fashion design illustration development
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Mobile developement,Web developement,Web services,Software services

We provide application development and consulting services including Requirement Definition Study, Feasibility & Technical Studies, System Analysis & Design, Programming, Implementation and I
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